Embracing Perseverance: Insights from Vivianna Severance on the Writing Journey

Learn more about Vivivanna: Website: https://wildravensnest.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildraven/ In our continuing interview series spotlighting female authors, we had the privilege of sitting down with the remarkable Vivianna Severance. Vivianna’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. In our full-length interview, she shares invaluable insights on taking…

Navigating the Self-Publishing Journey: Insights from Children’s Book Author Paula Banks

Welcome back to our continuing interview series, where we spotlight the inspiring journeys of female authors in the world of self-publishing. In this installment, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Paula Banks, the talented author behind “Peyton’s First Day at a New School.” Meet Paula Banks Paula Banks is a self-published children’s book…

Breaking Boundaries: Empowering Female Authors in the Publishing World

In the vast landscape of literature, there exists a multitude of voices, each with its unique story to tell. Yet, despite the richness of perspectives, gender disparities persist within the realm of publishing. Female authors often find themselves navigating a landscape where opportunities seem scarce, barriers seem insurmountable, and recognition seems elusive. However, amidst these…